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Teacher Transfer Policy 2023: Haryana Cabinet Approved

Teacher Transfer Policy 2023: Haryana Cabinet Approved the new teacher transfer policy. Under the new transfer policy, a teacher can stay at a school for five years. There will be no zones in the new policy.

“As per the earlier policies dated May 30, 2014 and September 28, 2018, jobs were provided only to the dependents of martyrs who were killed in border skirmishes, terrorist attacks or riots and were declared as martyrs by the Ministry of Defence or Ministry of Home Affairs respectively,” the statement said.

Haryana cabinet approved the draft of teacher transfer policy 2023

The objective of the new policy is to protect the academic interests of students and ensure equitable and demand-based distribution of teachers and school heads.

Chandigarh, August 4 – In the cabinet meeting held here today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal, approval was accorded to the draft Teacher Transfer Policy, 2023, repealing the Teacher Transfer Policy, 2016 issued on June 5, 2017.

The new policy aims to protect the academic interests of students

The new policy aims to protect the academic interests of students, enhance job satisfaction among staff and ensure equitable, demand-based distribution of teachers and heads of schools in a fair and transparent manner.

Teacher Transfer Policy was notified in the year 2016 and revised in the year 2017. Later some changes were also made in it from time to time. Over time the Department experienced some challenges in implementing the current policy. Therefore, it was considered to repeal this policy and bring a new policy by amending some existing provisions and making the policy brief and precise by including some new provisions.

Key Points of the new Policy

  • Zone concept abolished – Among the important changes proposed in the draft policy, the concept of zones
  • Marks on the basis of State Teacher Awards and National Teacher Awards has been abolished.
  • A teacher can stay in a school for a maximum of five years.
  •  As per the new policy, a teacher can stay in a school for a maximum of five years during his/her service career.
  • Besides this, the new policy has made an additional provision for widows in a graded manner.

10 Blocks Option in New Teacher Policy

  • Eligible regular teachers and guest teachers can opt for a minimum of 10 academic blocks.
  • The new policy will ask eligible regular teachers and all guest teachers to opt for a minimum of 10 academic blocks for all blocks of a particular district for state cadre and district cadre posts.
  • Normalization will be done for each block for each post considering the choice of both regular and guest teachers.
  • Further, in case of couple, maximum 5 marks will be given to all those male and female teachers whose spouse is working in any Department/Board/Corporation/PSU/State University of Haryana State or any Central University situated in Haryana or Central Govt. /PSUs and working on regular basis or posted as guest faculty in Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh.

Being a district cadre, C&V teachers will get priority

Being a district cadre, C&V teachers will be given priority in their district over TGT cadre teachers to ensure their posting within the district.

The teachers must know how to login the MIS Portal Haryana.

ESHMs will compulsorily have to fill the option for the post of ESHM as well as TGT

All the eligible ESHMs will compulsorily have to fill the option for the post of ESHM as well as TGT. Preference will be given to the option of the post of ESHM while allotting the selected eligible vacancy to ESHM. Only after allotting all the posts of ESHMs, the remaining ESHMs will be allotted to the posts of TGTs.

The Benefit of good performance only to the Principal and Head Master

A provision has been proposed to give the benefit of good performance only to the Principal and Head Master on the basis of school results.

Teachers (PGT/TGT/C&V) of subjects having less than 80 strength will not compulsorily be included in the drive on account of completion of 5 years tenure, unless their post is declared surplus due to rationalization of posts is done. The Department will publish a list of such topics before the implementation of each GTD.

10 percent extra salary as incentive to teachers opting for service in Nuh district and Morni area block

If a teacher is willing to be posted against a vacancy in a school located in Morni area of Panchkula district or Hathin educational block of Palwal district or Nuh district (considered as Mewat area) and he/she has registered in Morni area and Palwal, Nuh,

Neither has declared Panchkula as his/her home district in case of Faridabad or Gurugram nor has passed 10th or 12th standard from a school located in Panchkula district and Palwal, Nuh, Faridabad or Gurugram districts respectively for the above two areas.

Such regular teachers will be given an additional 10 per cent of the basic pay plus dearness allowance and guest teachers will be given Rs 10,000 per month.

The maximum qualifying marks obtained on the basis of age and special factors cannot exceed 80.

A teacher can score a maximum of 20 points from the specific factors mentioned in the policy. In any case, the maximum qualifying marks obtained on the basis of age and special factors cannot exceed 80.

In case of Principals, the average of pass percentage of 10th and 12th classes will be considered for computing the academic performance as mentioned in the table. In case of Principals, only the 10th class pass percentage of the board exam will be considered for calculation of marks.

If both husband and wife are employed in the education department, then the benefit of 10 marks can be claimed by either of them.

Teacher Transfer Policy 2023 includes Chronic Heart Disease and Chronic Arterial Disease

The disease list of debilitating disorder of Teacher Transfer Policy 2023 includes Chronic Heart Disease and Chronic Arterial Disease, Chronic Renal Failure, Brain Tumor, Malignancy of Multiple Organs, Paraplegia / Quadriplegia / Hemiplegia, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Parkinson’s Disease, Thalassemia . Hemophilia, aplastic anaemias, myelodysplastic disorders AIDS, liver and kidney transplantation, cystic fibrosis and type-1 diabetes. Administrative Secretary School Education at least 30 days before the commencement of the general transfer drive

Haryana’s Policy on Teacher Transfer

The Haryana Teacher Transfer Policy is a set of norms and regulations put in place by the Haryana Government to handle the transfer of teachers working in government schools around the state. The policy seeks to ensure transparency, efficiency, and fairness in the transfer of teachers to new schools or locations.

The following are the major objectives of the Teacher Transfer Policy:

Equitable Teacher Distribution: One of the policy’s key goals is to achieve equitable teacher distribution in schools across the state. This aids in resolving the issue of teacher shortages in specific locations and prevents teacher concentration in metropolitan areas.

Promoting Quality Education: The policy aims to improve the quality of education and academic performance in schools confronting educational issues by allowing the transfer of experienced and well-qualified teachers.

Addressing Personal requirements: When making transfer decisions, the policy considers instructors’ personal requirements and preferences, such as health reasons or family considerations.

Encourages Professional Development: The policy encourages teachers to seek transfers to schools where they can pursue professional development opportunities and effectively contribute to the academic environment.

Regularising the Transfer Process: To remove ad hoc transfers and provide a methodical approach, the policy establishes precise transfer dates and procedures.

6 thoughts on “Teacher Transfer Policy 2023: Haryana Cabinet Approved”

  1. 1.If husband and wife are in edu.deptt why 10 marks to one of them.they can job in any areas of state as both r working whether a single employee is not rewarded any mark facility.he has to face problems with parents and family working so far.so this is rubbish.
    2.No clearance about length of service on present cadre.
    3.why 5 marks to working in haryana uni.stateboard etc.totally faiureapnd seems to be injustice with 90%teachers

    1. Proposed Teacher Transfer Policy is not just as it doesn’t value talent and points are allotted to new category…..What do you think? What about the teachers whose spouse is not in the job?

    2. Proposed Teacher Transfer Policy is not just as it doesn’t value talent and points are allotted to new category…..What do you think? What about the teachers whose spouse is not in the job? You are right.

  2. Pingback: Haryana Teachers' Transfer Policy2023 - Learn Blogging

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