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Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana

Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana with M.S. Yadav, Principal, and Blogger. In this blog, you will learn, how to log in to HRMS? What are the details of HRMS?, How many pages are there in HRMS?, AND What are the functions of HRMS?.  Learning Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana is an essential part of Schools, colleges, and other Government Departments. HRMS refers to the Human Resource Management System used by all Haryana government employees. Government employees operate in 97 departments, which collectively employ 265213 people and Boards and Corporations. Every government employee requires upkeep, which is difficult.

The Haryana government created the HRMS Haryana site, which contains all employee information and employee-related concerns in the state of Haryana. It was created specifically to keep track of all the state of Haryana government employees’ personal information. Additionally, it offers facts on an employee’s name, department, office, age, salary, length of service, transfer, promotion, retirement, and other pertinent information.

Let us learn HRMS by exploring all the pages and giving examples. These images are from my HRMS. The Induction Programme, a training for newly promoted principals, is going on in GMSSSS, Rohtak.

Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is the skill you need to learn if you are a technical, non-technical, clerk, or principal.

Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana, hOME pAGE
HRMS Haryana Govt.

Learn HRMS Haryana login

Steps to login to HRMS Portal

  1. Login to HRMS is the first step to begin with where you can login in to HRMS.
  2.  Check on thr right corner of the home page.
  3. Do you want to login as Checker, Maker, Level Admin User, or Department Admin User
  4. Add your user Id, Password, and Security Code.
  5. After filling all the requirements
  6. Login now.

Study the Details of HRMS Haryana

After logging in as a checker, you get the following screen: The knowledge on this page will make you an expert in HRMS.

Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana, how to log in
HRMS Haryana

Grasp Task Bar, ‘Pages’ of HRMS

It’s important to understand the different parts of the taskbar, and then you will understand the power behind HRMS. It’s advisable to read from the blog, “Learn Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Haryana,” open your computer, login into HRMS, and follow the steps as given in the blog. Thus, learn from doing things yourself on your desktop or laptop.

Understanding Task Bar or pages of HRMS, Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana
Understanding Task Bar of HRMS
  • Home
  • User Management: Add User, User Permission
  • Employee Informaion Updation:
  • Transactions
  • Modules/Generate Order
  • Reports
  • Other Task

Personal information on HRMS, Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana

Employee Informaion Updation helps in mastering HRMS

  • Verification Police Verification Status
  • Update Reporting Officer
  • Update Basic pay at the Time of jooining
  • Update Aadhar Details
  • Update employee Photo
  • Upload Scanned Service Book
  • Update Employee’s GPF/PRAN/BANK DETAILS ETC.
  • Update Signature
  • Update Thumb Impression
  • Update Certificate Details
  • Update Nomination
  • Update Loan Details
  • Update Marital Status

Transactions on HRMS

Transactions on HRMS part of Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana
Transactions on HRMS
  • Historical Transactions: Employee Basic Information Updation, Historical transaction, Service Book Transfer on HRMS
  • Guest Teachers/Adhoc
  • Contractual Employee details
  • Future Transaction: Future Transacion, Change Relieving/Joining of Last Posting Transfer, Update ACR Maintain level Office Wise
  • DDO Transaction
  • Salary generation
  • Annual Increment
  • Update Service Status/previous Service NOT Count
  • Family & PPP Details
  • Update head office
  • SIC Penalty Cases
  • Update Current Additional Charge
  • Remove Current Additional

Master the Modules/ Generate Orders on HRMS

Master the Modules/ Generate Orders on HRMS helps in Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana

Review Reports Page on HRMS

Review Reports Page on HRMS assist you in Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana
  • ACR
  • ACP
  • Transfer
  • Leave
  • Service Book
  • Pay Related
  • Punishment
  • Training

Page, ‘Other Tasks’, of HRMS Learning

Page, 'Other Tasks', of HRMS Learning to keep safe by Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana
HRMS Pages
  • Change Password: If you feel that your password is taken and used by someone, then feel free to change the password by the permission of Admin of HRMS. Enter your old password and enter your new password as per the requirement by using Capital Letters, small letter, 8-10 characters, Uppercase, Lower case, One special character, and one digit.
  • User Manuals: If you forget anything and get confused then feel free to use User Manuals for solving your problem. User Manual is a guide to learn HRMS.

    User Manuals is a guide to solve your problems of understanding HRMS and clear your queries to Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana
    User Manual: A Guide to Learn HRMS

Steps forAnnual Increment (HRMS) 

Step 1

In Promotion, Please enter all records upto 31/12/2015  in historical transaction, and after 31/12/2017 in future transaction.

In Financial Upgradation, Please enter all records upto 31/12/2015  in historical transaction, and after 31/12/2017 in future transaction.

In future transaction, please enter all records of general pay revision (from 6th Pay Commission to 7th Pay Commission) of 1/1/2016 and annual increment of 1/7/2016 also.

Please enter the details of ACP (from Financial Upgradation page)/Promotion ( From Promotion Page) from 1/1/2016 to 30/6/2017 ( if any).

Step 2

Annual Increment of 1/7/2017 will be done from Future Transaction —> Annual Increment Page

List of employee (Pending— july increment)

Please check both Combination Data:

  1. Annual Increment Given at E-salary Status — Annual Increment not given in e-salary

Type — Pending.


  1. Annual Increment Given at E-salary Status — Annual Increment already given in e-salary

Type — Pending.


Please check the proposed basic pay and payscale and if correct kindly check the check box and save.

List of employee (Granted —- July increment)

  1. Annual Increment Given at E-salary Status — Annual Increment not given in e-salary

Type  — Granted.


List of employee (Not listed in above both)

Please click below link

List of employees not showing in Annual Increment pending / granted list with reasons

Most Important:


If you do not want to give increment to any employee, Please do not check the checkbox and do not forward the details on Annual Increment Page.

Withdrwal Process for wrong increment on HRMS

Suppose you have given wrong increment and you want to withdraw:


Case 1

If You have not done send to treasury in e-salary then kindly follow the steps:

Steps to follow:

Step 1:

Login with checker. Go to future transaction –> salary generation

  1. select year, month, Select Type as “Sent to e-salary” then Click withdraw. After withdraw, you will find this employee in pending list.

Step 2:

Login with checker. Go to future transaction –>Annual Increment

Select Type: Granted

Click Withdraw/Reset to previous values.

Case 2

If You have not forward the details from salary generation page in hrms then kindly follow the steps:

Login with checker. Go to future transaction –>Annual Increment

Select Type: Granted

Click Withdraw/Reset to previous values.

Integration with e-salary WITH HRMS

Salary for all the Central Govt employee, IAS, HCS, Politicals, Contractual will be generated in e-salary (same as you already made). There is not change in process for these types of employee


Step 1

Mandatory:  Update All Promotion / financial upgradation entry upto 30/6/2017, otherwise it will affect in salary generation process.

Step 2

Go to Future Transaction –> Annual Increment for 1/7/2017

(Please follow manual— Steps forAnnual Increment (HRMS) for july 2017)

Step 3

(Step-A to D — Establishment Officer/HRMS User—(Checker))

(Step E ——— DDO/salary user)


  1. Go to Future Transaction, Enter following details in future transaction

Absent from duty,

Half pay leave,

Suspension period,

Posting Transfer (in case of transfer) —–à(Please follow manual –Transfer Employee from one place to another),

Promotion / Financial upgradation (in any)

(Please follow Manual for entry in absent, HPL, Suspension and salary generation)

  1. Go to Future Transaction –> Salary Generation
  2. Select respective month / year and search the record.
  3. Check each and every record and forward to DDO for salary generation
  4. Generate your pay-bill in e-salary at checker user. Please check the HRA, basic pay etc from report.


No. of days, half pay leave etc and payscale / basic pay can not be updated from e-salary page (edit salary detail page).

If you want to edit paybill code OR HRA, medical etc then you can update from edit salary page.

Withdrwal Process for wrong forward of data ON HRMS

Case 1

If you have generated the bill and send to treasury, kindly recall it first and then follow the steps

Login with checker. Go to future transaction –> salary generation

  1. select year, month, Select Type as “Sent to e-salary” then Click withdraw. After withdraw, you will find this employee in pending list.

Case 2

If You have not done send to treasury in e-salary then kindly follow the steps:

Steps to follow:

Step 1:

Login with checker. Go to future transaction –> salary generation

  1. select year, month, Select Type as “Sent to e-salary” then Click withdraw. After withdraw, you will find this employee in pending list.

Promotion Case Entries on HRMS

Promotion Case Entries on HRMS, Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana

COURTESY: HRMS HARYANAPromotion Case Entries on HRMS, Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana Promotion Case Entries on HRMS, Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana Learn Human Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana Promotion Case Entries on HRMS to help in learningHuman Resource Management System(HRMS) Haryana

FAQs on HRMS Faced by The User to Undestand the Working

Q1 What to do if you do not find any employee in HRMS?
A. First of all go to checker, maker and log in. Click on the link of find your employee inside the general report and search by entering the unique code.
Below you will be shown the information of the employee, inside which check the Service Book Maintained at or Stage Stauts Column. If the Service Book Maintained at your office is not showing, then ask your nodal officer to get it corrected. If Stage-Status Column is Blank then you mail. After that check Update working Rule Group Designation or update Parent-Actual Rule Group Designation. All these fields should be filled. If not filled then update it.

Case II
If you get No Record Found, then mail the unique code of the employee to his department.

Q. 2 How to transfer employee in HRMS?
A. If the employee’s data is finalised, then after searching the employee within Future Transaction, go to Posting Transfer and complete the information there, as well as generate and receive LPC in e-salary. While filling your information, keep some things in mind which are as follows:

1. Whatever is the Actual Reliving Date in the Relieving Data, put the same and LPC Date should also be the same.

Example: If an employee is relieved in the afternoon on 23rd of the month, then the relieving date will be 23rd A.N. Select and the date of LPC will also be 23. If the employee is relieved on the morning of 23rd, then the LPC date will be 22nd.
1. If the employee goes to out-of-Haryana Department/Boards/Corporation. So there click on the radio button of other department and enter the employee’s Designation and Place of Posting inside the Transfer 2 - text box.
If he Haryana Govt. If he goes to the department then fill the detail by selecting the department.
2. If you do not get the office designation or pay scale, then contact the nodal officer of the office where your e-posting data has gone.
3. If you do not do both in HRMS transfer and LPC generate and received e-salary, then you may face difficulty in making salary. That’s why both should work: transfer in HRMS and generate and receive in e-salary.

Q 3. If an employee is transferred then how to make salary.
A. If an employee moves from place A to place B, then the employee of place A will transfer the employee by posting transfer and generate LPC in e-salary and get the employee of place B to join and receive LPC in e-salary.
1. Now this employee will appear in B location.
2. If the employee with B position goes to salary generation, then two lines of the employee will be visible. One of my office, of an old office. He will forward the data after checking the data.
3. After that, going to e-salary generate pay bill, the one from A place will make his day’s salary and the one from B will make his salary.
IMPORTANT: If the person at B does not forward the data from salary generation, then the person at A will not see the employee in the generate pay bill in e-salary? That’s why the person of B place has to forward the data from salary generation page, then salary will be generated.

Q.4. What to do if you have entered wrong annual increment ?
A. Add a new entry in this case. In which you have to select type withdrawal  Correction of Finalization Upgradation and select the date 10.10.2017 in your correct Basic Pay and Pay Scale.

Q. 5. Transfer of employee through new Transfer Module?
If you are the CCA(Cadre Controlling Authority) of the employee, then go to
Order Generation >> Transfer Transaction >> Employee Transfer and complete the
details and then Relieve and Join the employee from the respective DDO’s in HRMS.

Kindly take care of the following points :-

1. If employee is not coming, Use the button ‘Find CCA & Other Info of Employee’ to know that whether or not you are the CCA of the employee and check also if transfer orders are already generated and are pending at any level.
2. If you are not the CCA, Login from department admin user, and then go to Update Information >> Update CCA Information >> Update CCA/ACR , search the employee and update the CCA
3. If the designation is not coming while selecting rule/group/designation , Kindly Login from Level Admin User and Go to User Management >> User Permission.
Tick the Transfer column checkbox against the designation.
4. If wrong noting is generated , you can delete it in sanction (III step) or you can cancel it after completing order upload from Order Generation >> Transfer Transaction >> Employee Transfer >>

PDF of Transfer Module User Manual of HRMS

Related Explanation of HRMS Haryana

Learn HRMS Haryana Registration

Steps to login to HRMS Portal

  1. Login to HRMS is the first step to begin with where you can login in to HRMS.
  2.  Check on thr right corner of the home page.
  3. Do you want to login as Checker, Maker, Level Admin User, or Department Admin User
  4. Add your user Id, Password, and Security Code.
  5. After filling all the requirements
  6. Login now.
Learn HRMS Haryana Online
Learn HRMS Haryana Login

Steps to login to HRMS Portal

  1. Login to HRMS is the first step to begin with where you can login in to HRMS.
  2.  Check on thr right corner of the home page.
  3. Do you want to login as Checker, Maker, Level Admin User, or Department Admin User
  4. Add your user Id, Password, and Security Code.
  5. After filling all the requirements
  6. Login now.
Learn hrms haryana govt employees
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