Learn Blogging

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide

Blogging Guide

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide by a Blogger Learn blogging step by step with M.S. Yadav, the principal, and a blogger with easy tips and techniques. Learn Blogging Step by Step is a simple guide for beginners who have no voice in the field of blogging, like me when I started blogging and reached the top of my niche, school education.

In the beginning, I used to write for students for their academic work, and I learned that blogging is nothing but converting your written work online for people who search for something and get what they want.

In this blog, ‘Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide’, I will be teaching you blogging by providing you with case studies of my previous blogs, some of which are ranked No. 1 and others are not. Reading and understanding these blogs will help you learn blogging in the same way I did. You can call it a blog, an article, or a research paper that you won’t find on the internet that teaches you blogging.


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How did I(M.S. Yadav) learn blogging step-by-step?

As a teacher, I ask my students to write a letter to the principal requesting him to arrange a tour of Rajasthan. We call it a letter, but if a student publishes the letter, it becomes a blog post. It means we are teaching paragraphing to the learner in the same way we make headings and paragraphs in an essay in a notebook. If I ask my student to publish it on Blogger, he will be called a blogger instead of a student. Hence, although I am your teacher, people have started calling me a blogger or blogging teacher. Hence, no one can teach you better than a teacher.

So, learning to blog step-by-step will be like having a guide in the classroom where everything is written systematically so a student can easily find the content he wants to use for an examination. So, I am going to teach you blogging step-by-step, and my lessons on blogging will become a guide for all of you simply and lucidly.

As a school principal, how did I become a blogger or writer? This is the case study of my journey as a blogger. Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide is based on my story of becoming a blogger from a teacher, or, you can say, on what I used to do for my students in their academic field. Thus, learn blogging step-by-step: A Beginner’s Guide is like a book where my students wanted to learn blogging, a hot keyword on the internet.

I was absolutely new in this field. I faced so many problems becoming a blogger. You are free to call me an article writer or blog writer, as I write for students, parents, and teachers. I started teaching how to write a blog to my students in my extra class, where students are learning blogging step-by-step in the same way they learn English in their classroom. Thus, in my blog, Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide, I will teach you how you can excel at blogging in the same way that I became a blogger.

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner's Guide, A Book on Amazon

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide

Discussing a blogger’s case study can be an effective way to teach beginners the fundamentals of successful blogging step-by. Beginners can gain a better understanding of what it takes to create and maintain a successful blog by analyzing the case study and discussing the various factors that contribute to it. They can learn about niche selection, blog design, content quality, SEO, promotion, and monetization, and then apply what they have learned to their own blogs. "</p Case studies can also help beginners learn from other people’s mistakes and successes, which can be a valuable way for a beginner who wants to learn blogging to avoid common pitfalls and accelerate their learning curve. Overall, using case studies as a teaching tool can be an effective way to help new bloggers gain knowledge and confidence. I have been teaching blogging to my students, who are just beginners in this field, and they are comfortable designing and writing small blogs of their own. There was a reason behind it, as I had been teaching students English at different levels.

Haryana’s government made schools digital, and digital boards were installed in the classroom. I was an expert at teaching my subject, English, and I also knew enough about computers to get by. Unfortunately, I was not good at typing on a computer or making a blog website. Thus, I had the zeal to start a blog website, but how to do so was the big question.

Thus, you will learn blogging as a beginner, and after reading my story of becoming a blogger, you will really come to know the real challenges of becoming a blogger and the remedies for these problems.

What is a blog post? The first thing a blogger needs to know

A blog post is an article, editorial or normal news item, or guide on any subject that is published in a website’s blog section to help the readers. A blog post typically covers a specific topic or query, is educational in nature, contains other media types such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive charts, and ranges from 500 to 2,000+ words.

  • What exactly is a blog post?
  • How to Begin a Blog
  • How to Write Your First Blog Post
  • What characteristics distinguish a good blog post?
  • Examples of Blog Posts
  • What is the Best Way to Write a Blog Post?

How did I learn to blog step-by-step?

I didn’t know the difference between an article and a blog. You will find it on my website, readlearnexcel.com, I haven’t created a page on the blog post but I had given it a name, Articles. Therefore, I started watching YouTube videos on how to build a website to start my blog. Thus, I started a website, readlearnexcel.com, and started writing articles to provide academic solutions for students at no cost.

So, I used my blog website, readlearnexcel.com, in the classroom to teach my students of class 12 English on the digital board. The students were excited as they were curious to read on the digital board from my website instead of someone else’s study material. My contents were rich and easy to understand, as I used my life experience to write the chapters easily.

People say that they will tell you how to rank your website from the very first article. In my view, it’s not practically possible. Let me explain my story. In the beginning, I started a website on the blockchain concept, designed a new website on WordPress named blockchainchap.com, and purchased this domain from Godaddy. I also purchased almost fifty other domains from Hostinger and Godaddy in the hope that I would work on these domains. I started writing about blockchain technology.

The concept was new to me, and I read a lot from Google and wrote a few articles on it, but one day I realized that I couldn’t write in this niche. So, I stopped writing about this, although I had never thought of earning money from my website.

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner's Guide

To start a blog, a website is required.

People advised me to start a blog on Blogger, but I was not in agreement because I was aware of both Blogger and WordPress but knew nothing about them. So, I started learning how to design my website on WordPress.

Now, I have designed seven websites for me and for my friends, but I don’t charge a penny from them as I wanted to learn how to run my blogs smoothly. Infocheer.com was another website I designed for my wife, but she didn’t read anything as it was in Hindi.

So, I started writing something in English for my students and getting it translated into Hindi, as I can’t write in Hindi. One day, I was going to do my duty, and on the way, I was thinking, How can a student succeed in his life? Reading is the best skill one can learn, and once you start learning, you will excel in your life.

A new domain name, readlearnexcel.com, came to my mind. After reaching my school, I immediately purchased this domain from GoDaddy, but now the problem came that I didn’t know how to point my domain name, readlearnexcel.com, towards Hostinger, where I had a Premium Web Hosting plan for five years. I recently watched a YouTube video on how to transfer my domain from Godaddy to Hostinger.

How to design a website to understand blogging

I told you in the beginning about my niche in blockchain technology, but soon I left it and was thinking of choosing another niche. Then I realized that I needed to choose an education niche that matched my experience as a teacher.

Although I have a lot of experience in other fields, I chose my experience as my niche to teach students, parents, and teachers. I was telling you about how I selected my domain name without doing much research, but I was determined to continue my idea of reading, learning, and ultimately excelling in life.

Thus, I started designing my website, readlearnexcel.com, using the WordPress platform, and I will discuss the design of my website in another article on website design. What did I do in the beginning when I started my website?

  • I started designing my website and designed it as I understood it, publishing six articles in the beginning because I wanted to have some blogs on my website.
  • I used to search Google for my website, but I never found it.
  • I began writing for English in 12th grade.
  • I also started writing about celebrations of national and international festivals under the category ‘observances”.
  • I started writing about general educational topics for teachers, students, and parents.
  • Till now, I didn’t know about SEO, keyword research, or selecting a title for the article.
  • Till now, I had written many articles, but they were not ranked on Google as I had no backlinks, and people used to say that you need backlinks to rank your websites. I had no source for backlinks.
  • People were demanding big money for backlinks. Fortunately, I just concentrated on my content as I was very good at writing them for my niche.
  • My journey continued, and I started solving question papers for 12th-grade English for the students.
  • I also wrote about the absolutely new concepts of the Teachers Transfer Drive in Haryana online and the steps to participating and solving the problems of teachers. This was a completely new topic, and there was very little information available on Google.
  • My blogs on teacher transfers rank at the top of Google. Out of five articles on teacher transfer in Haryana, my three blogs were at the top, and they had left the official website of the education department in Haryana. DSE Haryana.
  • Now, I have published more than 250 blogs on my website, readlearnexcel.com.
  • More than 120 articles are on the top of Google without a single backlink.
  • Unique contents are the king of blogging.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) by a Beginner Who Wants to Learn Blogging

The following are the common questions a beginner in blogging must know:

  1. Do you want to learn blogging step-by-step?
  2. Have you read my case study on becoming a blogger?
  3. How did I start my blog?
  4. Is my case study helpful to you?
  5. Did you like the way I grew as a blogger?
  6. Which would you prefer, a niche or a domain?
  7. Do you know how to design a simple blog website?
  8. Which platform do you want your blog to run on?
  9. Have you decided on the name of your blog website?
  10. Do you know what hosting is?
  11. Do you know how to design your website on WordPress?
  12. How would you customize your website?
  13. Are you comfortable writing about your niche?
  14. Do you know what SEO is?
  15. Do you have the option to have backlinks?
  16. How would you promote your blog?
  17. Your contents are good for SEO and readable to your readers?
  18. Who are your readers?
  19. Do you know how to earn money from your blog?
  20. Last but not least, do you feel that you are consistent in your writing?
  21. Do you have the patience to wait for your content to rank?

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: Read Case Study of a Blogger

A case study and analyzing his mistakes and how to prevent them

Discussing a blogger’s case study can be an effective way to teach beginners the fundamentals of successful blogging. Beginners can gain a better understanding of what it takes to create and maintain a successful blog by analyzing the case study and discussing the various factors that contribute to it. They can learn about niche selection, blog design, content quality, SEO, promotion, and monetization, and then apply what they have learned to their own blogs.
Using a case study of a blogger to teach blogging can be a great way to help students learn from the mistakes and successes of others. Here is an example case study with some discussion points:

Case Study: Hello! I am M.S. Yadav, a teacher, and blogger who began an education blog to share my experiences as a teacher and s study tips for students. I have been blogging for a few months, but I haven’t seen much traffic or engagement on my website blog in the beginning. I was not frustrated and perplexed as to what I was doing wrong. Slowly, I realized my errors, and I soon became a successful blogger and writer. Thus, I am sharing my case study to teach my readers how to learn blogging step by step without making the mistakes that I made while writing blogs.

Discussion Points to Learn Blogging from Scratch:

Read the following question and answers from a blogger, M.S. Yadav 1. Niche Selection:

  1. Did M.S. Yadav select a blockchain technology niche as per his interest in his website blockchainchap.com.
  2. Did he continue with his niche blockchain technology?
  3. Did M.S. Yadav select an education niche in which he is interested and has a large enough audience?
  4. Did he succeed and got views on Google?
  5. Did his blogs rank on Google?
  6. Did he select the mico niche as per his interest?
  7. Did he conduct market research to determine what his target audience is interested in?

2. Target Audience:

  1. Who were my target audiences?
  2. Do they belong to my profession?
  3. What do they want to know from my blog?
  4. What is the common bond among us?
  5. Did I do any research on target audiences?
  6. Have I searched for buyers of my products?
  7. Did I check that my audiences are active on social media?

3. Know Your Competitors

  1. Did I check my competitor’s websites before starting my blog?
  2. Did I check their contents?
  3. Did I check the designs, themes, and colour combinations of the blog?
  4. Did I check how they presented their content to their audiences?
  5. Are they really my competitors?
  6. Did I check the level of difficulty for the readers?

4. Write your articles’ titles

  1. Did I keep track of at least 20 articles that I wanted to write for my blog?
  2. Did I check my opponents’ topics?
  3. Did I do keyword research?
  4. Did I check the keyword difficulty level?

5. Figure out what makes you special.

  1. Have I ever checked my distinctive approach?
  2. How am I different than others?
  3. Have I written something unique?
  4. Was the MASS approach useful for ranking?
  5. Am I providing the rarest content?

6. Domain name:

  1. Did M.S. Yadav choose the right domain to relate to his niche, and is the domain easy for his readers to remember?
  2. Is the Yadav’v blog website design user-friendly and visually appealing? Is there a clear navigation menu and a search bar that is easy to find?
  3. Is his branding the same across all pages?
  4. Are Yadav’s blog posts well-written, informative, unique, and engaging? Does he include images and multimedia in his posts to make them more interesting? Is he posting on a regular and consistent basis?
  5. Was his website’s domain name suitable for SEO purposes?
  6. Did he continue his niche and domain till now?
  7. Did he succeed and got views on Google?
  8. Did his blogs rank on Google?

7. Blog Website Hosting Provider

  1. Did I select the right host?
  2. Did I purchase my domains from my hosting provider?
  3. Did I do research before selecting a hosting provider?

8. Blog Website Designing/CMS( Content management system)

  1. Did the blogger, M.S. Yadav’s website design is upto the mark to perform well?
  2. Is the selection of the theme of readlearnexcel.com suitable?
  3. Did the pages are clearly visible to the readers?
  4. What is the speed and performance of the website, readlearnexcel.com.
  5. How his contents are doing?
  6. Are the top contents of the website have value?
  7. How his visitors are experiencing good performance, cumulative layout, and first input delay?
  8. Are the selection of plugins suitable?

Knowing your personal background and experiences is critical to determining your own perspective. To begin, create a professional bio that describes who you are and which experiences most inform your blogging efforts. While I could write a comprehensive dissertation about my childhood, such history isn’t necessary until I’m starting a parenting blog. What distinguishes you as a trusted expert or thought leader on the subject? You can determine your angle by answering that question. Use this information to populate your blog’s “about me” page and reveal more about yourself. 9. Customization of your blog

  1. Did I know about the customization of my blog from the beginning?
  2. Did I check the user interface of my website?
  3. Was my customization unique throughout the website, like my logo, and about page?

10. Importance of SEO for Blogging:

  1. Did Yadav use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags to optimize his blog for search engines?
  2. Did he create backlinks to his blog to improve his visibility in search results?
  3. Yadav, did you promote your blog on social media and other platforms to drive traffic to it?
  4. Did he interact with his fans and respond to their comments and feedback?
  5. Did he use Long-tail keywords?
  6. Did he use broad keywords to rank on Google?


  1. Did I check all the points above before writing and publishing your blog?
  2. What was I feeling when writing my first blog?
  3. Did I check the sentences’ formation, grammar, and coherence in the content?

12. Monetization:

  1. Did Yadav investigate various monetization strategies such as Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, or sponsored posts?
  2. Is he working on a product or service that he can sell to his readers?
  3. How much money, the website readlearnexcel.com is earning?
  4. Does money matter at the beginning of a blog?

13. Tools to Help You Become a Successful Blogger Students of blogging can learn about the key components of successful blogging and how to avoid common mistakes by discussing these points and analyzing Yadav’s case study. They can also apply these lessons to their own blogs and create a strategy for establishing a successful blog in their chosen niche.

Will the case study help beginners learn to blog?

Discussing a blogger’s case study can be an effective way for beginners to learn the fundamentals of successful blogging. By analyzing the case study and discussing the various factors that contribute to it, beginners can gain a better understanding of what it takes to create and maintain a successful blog. They can learn about niche selection, blog design, content quality, SEO, promotion, and monetization, then apply their knowledge to their own blogs.

A Beginner’s Guide to Learn Blogging from Case Study

The case study will help beginners learn the process of starting a blog step by step. I will discuss the steps I took while starting a blog and teach you the right steps to take before starting a blog. But sometimes, I feel that I developed my blog/website from scratch and learned a lot of things in the process of becoming a blogger. That is why I am teaching you to blog, as you might not have as much patience as me. To learn blogging step by step, I will consider all the discussion points and other questions related to them by comparing a few blocks already published on my other website, readlearnexcel.com. Some are ranked first, while others are not. What were the reasons for both cases? Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to start a blog:

Discussion Points of Case Study to Learn Blogging Step-by-step

Step 1, Niche Selection in Learning Blogging

  1. Did M.S. Yadav select a blockchain technology niche as per his interest in his website blockchainchap.com.

Discussion What I did: I started my first blog niche on blockchain technology, and the website name is blockchainchap.com. The domain name was fine, but the contents didn’t appeal to me. Thus, I left writing blogs on that website for the time being. What should I have to do? I should have chosen my niche according to my interests. Blockchain technology was a new concept, and I thought that people would read the blogs. Moreover, I was not able to write much on this topic. Hence, it was advisable to stop and think again and choose the right niche that appeals to and should be near my heart. Tip for the beginner who wants to start a new blog in his niche

  • Always select a niche in which you are comfortable and where your knowledge should appeal to you.
  • Then, only you will be able to convince your reader to read your blog.
  • Thus, always do research on your niche and write down the micro-niches that you can cover in your main niche.
  • Moreover, write down a minimum of 20 topics you are going to publish on your website.

1. Did I continue with his niche blockchain technology?

No, I didn’t continue the niche that I started at the beginning.
2. Did I select an education niche in which I am interested and has a large enough audience?
Yes, the education niche is my favorite, and I have 25 years of experience as an English teacher. Hence, the selection of the education niche is near and dear to my heart.
3. Did I succeed and get views on Google?
Yes, I had success and had more than 2000 views in just 9 months.
4. Did my blogs rank on Google?
Yes, more than 120 blogs are at the top of Google’s rankings.
5. Did I select a microniche as per my interest?
Yes, I write on reading, writing, speaking, celebrations, and life hacks for students, teachers, and parents.

6. Did I do research on the market to find out what his audience is interested in? No, I didn’t do any research until now, when I am writing this blog, as I believe that I must be established first, and then I will do the market research. I am confident that I will earn money shortly. My blogs are at the top, and they have left behind big names like Byju’s.

Step 2, Check Your Target Audience Before Writing Your First Blog

Target Audience:

1. Who are my target audiences?
In the beginning, when I started my first blog on blockchain technology on blockchainchap.com, I didn’t know anything about my audience, and after realizing this, I started my other blog website, readlearnexcel.com. Here, I knew my audience clearly, as I am a teacher who teaches English to different classes. It means I know my target audiences and my target audiences are students, parents, and teachers who want their kids to excel in examinations. Now, I have started this blog website, msyadavblogger.com, and here I also know my audience, as they are going to pass class 12 this year and they will join the college. They will start writing something in the form of blogs, just as I used to teach my students from my website, readlearnexcel.com, on a digital board, and my students, teachers, and parents were very happy. Teachers are my target audience, as they started teaching online during the Corona periods when the schools were closed and teachers faced a lot of problems and used to teach the students from others’ blogs. Thus, they want to start their blog to teach students without using the traditional blackboards in schools and colleges.
2. Do they belong to my profession?
Yes, they belong to me, as they also need their kids to succeed in their academic careers. My website, readlearnexcel.com, is a small website that I developed for my students, so it belongs to my teaching line.
3. What do they want to know from my blog?
They want to know about the best ever solution to the academic syllabus of different classes. ReadlearnExcel.com provides them with the best solution on the internet in my subject, English. Reading, writing, NCERT solutions, CBSE solutions, and HBSE solutions are available through my blogs in celebration of national and international festivals. Life hacks are another niche where I write solutions for students, parents, and teachers.
4. What is the common bond among us?
The common bond between a teacher and students is lifelong and never vanishes if you are a good teacher. I feel that I am a good teacher because my students are my readers, and this will continue till they die. I love my students more than my kids. I work for the students at no cost and will continue it till I die.
5. Did I do any research on target audiences?
I didn’t require it as I am in this profession, but you might need it if you are not in such a profession. Hence, do your research on who is going to be your readers and learn to address their problems to develop a strong bond with them. Prove yourself with your sincerity, regularity, and disciplined blogging.
6. Have I searched for buyers of my products?
No, not at all in the beginning, as I didn’t require money as I am comfortable, and writing for others is my hobby. It doesn’t mean you will not require money, but my advice is that you prove to yourself that your contents are up to par and let your readers have faith in you, then you can search for buyers for your products.
7. Did I check that my audiences are active on social media?

Check with your audiences to see whether they are on social media and what they like. Till now, I haven’t worked on my social accounts, but in the future, I will look into this matter. But you must check your audience’s likes and dislikes by visiting their social accounts. This will help you become a good blogger, and you will be able to sell your products to earn money.

Step 3, Knowledge of Your Competitors is a must in Learning Blogging

1. Did I check my competitor’s websites before starting my blog?

No, in the beginning, checking on your competitors doesn’t have much value, as you will concentrate on your own interests. Your contents are according to your interests, and you can’t change your interests because of competitors. Thus, checking your competitors comes later, but it’s required sooner or later to understand what they are writing about and how you can produce different and valuable content to attract your readers’ attention.
2. Did I check their contents?
Checking the contents is required, but I couldn’t check unknowingly. Therefore, you will have to understand your competitors to do the right blogging.
3. Did  I check the designs, themes, and colour combinations of the blog?
If you are new to blogging and website design, the designs of others don’t affect you much, but later on, you can check their designs and colour combinations to make your blog more attractive than your competitors. But ultimately your imagination and creativity will matter in learning blogging.
4. Did I check how they presented their content to their audiences? The presentation includes structure, steps, coherence, and the opening and closing of contents, which always matter. I didn’t check it as I knew my writing skills, but I used to check the data in the blog.
5. Are they really my competitors?
There is no need to worry about your competitors in the beginning when you start a new blog, as it requires more concentration to write unique content than just doing what your competitors do. As a result, after giving them a thorough reading, your competitors may be able to assist you in writing better content.
6. Did I check the level of difficulty for the readers?

The readability of a blog always matters, and one must write simple sentences so that their readers don’t face any problems in understanding what you have written for them. If you feel that your readers are comfortable reading complex sentences, then there is no problem.

Step 4, Write your articles’ titles for the blog

1. Did I keep track of at least 20 articles that I wanted to write for my blog?

If you are new to blogging, then write down some topics in advance to understand what you are going to write in your blog. You will feel comfortable in the future when you publish your first blog in your niche. So, write at least 20 titles for your future blogs.
2-Did I check my opponents’ topics?
In the beginning, when I started writing blogs on my website, readlearnexcel.com, you can check that my early blogs are not ranked, and that is because I didn’t know how to check my competitors. Then, I just researched what the first 10 websites had written about the keyword on which I wanted to focus.
3. Did I do keyword research?
My website was empty in the beginning as I didn’t write some topics in advance and searching for the keyword was out of my mind. Then, after a few days or you can say after a few months, every day, I used to check my blogs on Google but unfortunately, I couldn’t find my articles anywhere in the first 10 pages of Google on my keyword. Frankly speaking, I was thinking that there was something wrong with my website design. People also used to say on their YouTube channels that you needed backlinks to rank your website. Then, I added a new plugin named Yoast SEO, and from that time on, I learned how to write my keywords in the title, H1. I got a little satisfaction from the fact that I am using proper keywords, but still, my blogs were not ranking, and that story, I will reveal later.
4. Did I check the keyword difficulty level?
I told you above that I never knew how to use keywords in your blogs and the question of difficulty lever arose in my mind after some time I discovered Ahrefs  Key Word Generator for checking difficulty level but I never cared about checking the difficulty level of your keywords as I knew that My Conts are the King. So, I keep writing something different from others. You can check my articles on the celebration of National and International Days and Festivals. I have written many articles on this niche, but in the beginning, my blogs on this niche were not ranked due to heavy competition in the keywords, but then one day I realized that I write for students at the school level, and hence, I started using the opportunity of using my niche, the celebration of national and international festivals, for the benefit of students, as they get speech writing, notice writing, report writing, paragraph writing, article writing, and reading comprehensions in their examinations. You can check my blog, Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers, which is ranking at the top of Google, and the reason behind this is what I have said to you above.

Step 5, Figure out what makes you special.

1. Have I ever checked my distinctive approach? This is the most important for a blogger to shine among others. What does it mean? It means that if your contents are strong and unique then no one can stop you to get your blog ranked. This is what happened to me as I am telling you that I am also a beginner in blogging but I am very strong and experienced in my niches which gives me an edge over others. Let us explain it in detail. I started a website, readlearnexcel.com, a few months back where I was just keeping on writing in the beginning due to a lack of knowledge of blogging and you must always keep your content at the top. Other factors like keywords, difficulty, and design are things you will learn during the process, and the fact is that if you want to start a new blog, you must consider all of these factors. Then, always keep in mind that your content should be your top priority, with different points of view; other things will be learned as time passes.

2. How am I different than other bloggers?. You can shine in blogging only when you are different from others. So, to understand how I differ from others, consider the following facts about my decision to become a blogger:

  • I am not worried about money as I am working as a principal and am financially comfortable, but your case can be different as you might need some money immediately to make ends meet.
  • I have over 25 years of experience teaching English to students at different levels, and I have also trained teachers on different topics.
  • I have been a topper at my school, and I had a full interest in teaching English, and the result is that I can’t write in Hindi, although Hindi is my mother tongue. Unfortunately, I can’t write in Hindi. I am comfortable communicating in Hindi only when speaking, but I am poor at writing in Hindi; otherwise, I would have been more successful in blogging as my readers are Indians. But, how did I overcome this weakness of not knowing Hindi? As you are aware, I teach English to students and have recently been promoted to the position of principal at my school. Therefore, now that I am free to teach students, I have started writing for teachers and solving their problems by writing about another niche, pedagogy.
  • I am different than others as I write on absolutely different topics, which have fewer readers but are searched on Google. Let me give you one example that will help you rank your blog in the beginning. On the very second day of launching this website, msyadavblogger.com, I have just written three blogs on this website, and I am writing to you about how to become a blogger step by step.
  • Do you know how I was able to rank my blog, “Jhajjar Government Schools Celebrated Parvesh Utsav Week 2023?
  • This blog ranked at No. 1 on Google. Do you know how it ranked?
  • Let me explain to you as a beginner in the field of blogging: I have touched on an absolutely new keyword “Parvesh Utsav”, “Jhajjar”, is a localized term with an emphasis on local celebrations of Parvesh Utsav, and Google always values new and local keywords. The traffic might be less, but it will give you confidence in continuing your journey as a blogger. So, search your local keywords where bloggers don’t write. Thus, always put emphasis at the beginning of your blogging journey on the localized keywords that might represent your different approach.

3. Have I written something unique? Yes, of course, it should be your motto to write something different from the established bloggers. Thus, it should be one of the first steps while writing your content. Let me explain it with two examples, one is from an old website and another is from a newly published website and both blocks ranked no. 1 due to my uniqueness in writing a blog.

  1. “Jhajjar Government Schools Celebrated Parvesh Utsav Week 2023? (New website)
  2. Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers,(The old one)


Step 6, Right Domain name helps to become a good blogger:

1. Did M.S. Yadav choose the right domain to relate to his niche, and is the domain easy for his readers to remember?

In the beginning, when I started writing blogs on blockchain technology on the website for a few days. Soon I realized that the contents were limited due to a lack of knowledge of blockchain technology. Soon, I left that niche and started writing for the students and teachers who are always concerned about reading, writing, learning, and excelling in academic life. My domain, readlearnexcel.com, is perfectly suited to my niche. It is easy to remember my domain name.
2. Is the Yadav’v blog website design user-friendly and visually appealing? Is there a clear navigation menu and a search bar that are easy to find?
As a beginner in blogging, I didn’t know the steps to follow to learn the rules. I just started my blogs, and the result was that my blogs, in the beginning, were not ranked due to a lot of problems in writing content for my blogs. Now, it is user-friendly and visually appealing, and there is a clear navigation menu.
3. Is his branding the same across all pages?
The branding of readlearnexcel.com is a continuous process, and these days people know as it has been viewed by more than two lakh readers.
4. Are Yadav’s blog posts well-written, informative, unique, and engaging? Does he include images and multimedia in his posts to make them more interesting? Is he posting on a regular and consistent basis?
I have posted more than 250 blogs on my website, readlearnexcel.com, and fifty percent of them are on the front page. After becoming a professional blogger, you need to be regular and updated. As I write for students, I have to follow a schedule, which I generally publish at the beginning of each class session. Every blogger must be regular and informative in his blogging. 5. Was his website’s domain name suitable for SEO purposes?
Readlearnexcel.com is absolutely suitable from an SEO point of view.
6. Did he continue his niche and domain till now?
I will continue until I can.

7. Did he succeed and get views on Google? Check out my website, which is a small blog website but still ranks high. 8. Did his blogs rank on Google? 80% of blogs are still ranking on Google.

Step 7 Blog Website Hosting Provider will matter for a blogger

1. Did I select the right host? 2. Did I purchase my domains from my hosting provider? 3. Did I do research before selecting a hosting provider?

10. Importance of SEO for Blogging:

1. What is SEO for building a website?

SEO refers to search engine optimization, or you can say that what are the factors to consider while writing a blog website so that the contents are easily searchable on Google? There are billions of websites on Google, and when you search for anything, Google shows you 10 websites on the first page. These first 10 websites have SEO-optimised contents that are capable of satisfying the reader. SEO-rich contents attract traffic on Google. SEO always helps you rank your blogging website and boosts your message for your readers. But what is SEO for blogging websites or blog SEO? And what are the tips that can optimize your blog website for search engines? Don’t worry, we don’t believe in theoretical knowledge, but we help you understand the real steps with practical examples from my blog. Get ready for a complete solution to your SEO problem forever. Learning SEO is the ultimate requirement for blogging for beginners

2. Does blogging on a website help with SEO?

A beginner blogger can’t say straightaway that he knows all the steps to get good SEO. Practice will make you perfect. You can use Yoast SEO, as I like it. It helped me learn SEO step by step, and now I don’t publish any blogs whose SEO is not good enough to rank. Although many other factors contribute to the ranking of your blog, The details will be discussed in the coming case studies of my blogs on my website.

3. What are the best practices for SEO on a blogging website?

The following are the best practices that a blogger should use to make his SEO strong: The details will be explained later, but phrases make the meaning clear, and all are in green except the first one, according to Yoast SEO of the blog on Teachers’ Day.

  1. Key Phrase Density:” Keyphrase density is the number of times your focus keyphrase occurs in your copy, compared to the total text of that page. So if you have a text that is 100 words and 5 of those are your focus keyphrase, your keyphrase density is 5%. We used to call it keyword density, but as, nowadays,” Thus, this is the most important step in blogging to use the required keyphrase length. It means I did not use the key phrase as per the norms. Hence, I should have put more key phrases in the blog on Teachers’ Day to score 100% in best practices, but still, it’s more than 90%.
  2. Outbound Links: Are the links you provide in your blog posted outside of your website so that the readers can be enriched with some valuable links? It means you have used sufficient outbound links to score a good SEO score. Thus, step-by-step blogging needs some outbound links.
  3. Image Keyphrase: The next step is to use a proper image with more than 50% of the keywords in the alternative text so that the search engine can identify what the image is used for.
There are other factors that can be audited and will be discussed in detail when I will audit my blog to help the blog learners from scratch in the coming pages.

The most critical step is to perform an SEO analysis on my blog, ” Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers”

Teachers' day critical analysis for learning blogginf for a beginner

Thus, 13 of 14 essential SEO analyses are good and in the greens. As a result, as a newbie in blogging, you must maintain track of all SEO parameters to score well on SEO parameters.

4. How can SEO help with blog website optimization?

SEO assists a new blogger in optimizing the blog he creates for the first time. SEO plays a crucial role in optimization because if your blog’s SEO is good, search engines will find it valuable. Always examine your links to ensure that there are no broken links that can harm your website’s optimization. The PageSpeed Insights for my website, readlearnexcel.com, are shown above, and you can see how the speed of loading material can assist you in optimizing your page. Your page speed should be less than 2.5. Your blog may be the most often updated section of your website. This guarantees that search engines regularly have new content to index (that is, include in their results). Furthermore, it delivers new information for your followers, fans, or leads to digest and implement in their daily lives. Check your page indexing as some time Google search console informs us that our page is not indexed. how can SEO help with blog website optimization and analytics

5. msyadavblogger.com’s Tips for blogging on a website?

10. Importance of SEO for Blogging:

1. Did Yadav use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags to optimize his blog for search engines? "yoast According to the Yoast study, the keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags are meaningful. SEO plays an important role to rank your blog and this step of learning comes at no. 10 as now you have designed your website. SEO for Blogging Websites.

2. Did he create backlinks to his blog to improve his visibility in search results?

To be honest, I don’t have a single backlink, and getting backlinks is quite difficult for a blogging student. Nonetheless, readleanexcel.com is ranked on Google. A blog learner should examine it.

3. Yadav, did you promote your blog on social media and other platforms to drive traffic to it?

My social media and other platforms, I had not looked into the matter till now, but as a blogging student, you need to look into it seriously since you need to gain money from your site, but I don’t charge anybody and my contents are free for all.

4. Did he interact with his fans and respond to their comments and feedback?

Of course, a blog learner must constantly respond to comments on his blog. If someone asks, I do it right away. 5. Did he use Long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are beneficial for a beginner who is new to blogging. They will rank as I have published many blogs with long keywords, such as,

“Morning Activities at SJS GGSSS Silana(Jhajjar): Bag Free Day”, and “You are Harsh/Harshita, living at Amar Nagar, Rajpura. The sanitary condition of your street has made life worse than hell. Write a letter to the Sanitary Inspector of the Municipal Committee requesting him to take necessary steps so that the people may lead a healthy life”. are at no. 1 on Google.


6. Did he use broad keywords to rank on Google?

Although I used broad terms, a blog learner should avoid doing so. Search a keyword that is not answered on Google, even if it has small traffic, to gain confidence, as you know that in the beginning, I couldn’t search my blogs on Google, but I made it on based only a strong and unique approach no one had applied before, such as in my categories, ‘Observances’ I turned all celebrations for improving writing skills of the students as is the case in “Teachers’ Day…2023” and they are all on top due to my

Step 11, Write your First Blog and Publish it

You are almost ready to publish your first blog because you learned blogging by following the stages above, where I provided you with a practical way to learn blogging step by step through my case study of my blog, readlearnexcel.com. Why are you starting your own blog? Do you wish for it to be ranked? Will you be disappointed if your blog does not rank and you cannot discover it on Google? Thus, your setup for your first blog is complete, and your blog website is ready and waiting for your first material in the form of your first blog.

The designing and layout of your blogging website is an f but writing your first blog will need quality content so that your visitor will visit again to your website to satisfy his requirement. How are you going to do this? If you write your first blog on a general topic that draws more audiences, there are chances that your blog will not rank. Hence, write your first blog on a specific topic for which people search but don’t get an exact answer to their questions
Therefore, do your research in your niche to see what people are searching for in a low volume, but still provide an answer to their query. For example, you can use long-tail keywords like what I have shown you above in the two examples of writing by choosing your localized problem or event or a letter that appeared in any examination, and you just solve it and publish it. This type of blog is definitely going to rank.

Your First Blog Post Ideas In my case, I have used the writing skills tool to write for students on national and international days. For example, in Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers’, I wrote a notice on Teacher’s Day, a report on Teacher’s Day, a paragraph on Teachers’ Day, and an article on Teachers’ Day. The blog is unique as it addresses students’ interest in writing skills; otherwise, this blog might not have been ranked as there are bigger websites with more authority, but their content is the same every year, whereas my approach was different and the blog is still ranked number one in 2023. Thus, you have to be unique in writing on a general topic but with different audiences, like in my case, where I targeted the students and the blog is still ranking. Therefore, visit my website, readlearnexcel.com, and analyze its blogs, as more than 120 articles are ranked due to their different approaches.

  1. Did you check all the points above before writing and publishing your blog?
  2. What was I feeling when writing my first blog?
  3. Did I check the sentences’ formation, grammar, and coherence in the content?

Hence, learn blogging by using the above points and the beginner must choose a blog that is suitable for beginner.

Step 12, Monetization of Blog

Till now, I’m not using any monetization tool except Google Site Kit. But you do research but in the beginning, you should leave it.

  1. Did Yadav investigate various monetization strategies such as Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, or sponsored posts?
  2. Is he working on a product or service that he can sell to his readers?
  3. How much money, the website readlearnexcel.com is earning?
  4. Does money matter at the beginning of a blog?

Step 13, Tools to Help You Become a Successful Blogger

Here, I will discuss the blogging tools I use while writing a blog. I am using the following tools to write an effective blog:

  • If you are using WordPress, use these plugins, like Classic Editor, block editor, elementor, Yoast SEO for optimization, Jetpack, Media Convertor, Advanced Database Cleaner, Easy Table of Contents, UpdraftPlus, and WP Rocket
  • Astra Theme on all my websites.
  • For grammar and correction of sentences, I use QuillBot Premium and Grammarly.
  • Canva for designing images.
  • Pexels for free images.
  • Google Docs, Google translator.
  • Creative mail. While writing online, I got the opportunity to check out many of these technologies. We’ve honed our writing process at Buffer into a really lean groove. These are the tools I now use to take blogs from concept to publication.

13 Steps to Learn Blogging



Critical Analysis of a Blog: A Guide for Novice Bloggers to Get Started

Note: “Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to my Teachers” is copied from my other website, readlearnexcel.com, solely for educational purposes to study this blog to teach blogging step-by-step to a beginner who will comprehend the concept of blogging better. In this critical analysis of the blog, I will comprehend the blog on “Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers” to answer the questions that are necessary for a beginner blogger who is new to this field of blogging but understands the skills of comprehension and skimming that you have learned in school from your teacher. I am a student who wants to do comprehension, and ultimately, through this comprehension of the passage, I will learn blogging and write my first blog. I will use the blog just for the purpose of learning blogging. Although I am the writer of the blog, as a blogger, I thank readlearnexcel.com for allowing me to critically analyze the blog for the benefit of beginners who want to learn to blog systematically. Students of blogging can learn about the key components of successful blogging and how to avoid common mistakes by discussing these points and analyanalyzing Yadav’s case study. They can also apply these lessons to their own blogs and create a strategy for establishing a successful blog in their chosen niche.

The most important step is to conduct an SEO audit on my blog, “Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers.”

Teachers' day critical analysis for learning blogginf for a beginner

The following are the best practices that a blogger should use to make his SEO strong: The details will be explained later, but phrases make the meaning clear, and all are in green except the first one, according to Yoast SEO of the blog on Teachers’ Day. Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide might have boosted your writing and publishing skills, helping you rank the blog of your dreams. But the structure and use of words and phrases will be the ultimate challenge for a blog learner, and that is a slow process, and once you publish some blogs, your skills of blogging might be refined. Look at the Yoast SEO of the blog in the above image; 13 points are in green. The following questions will arise in the minds of blog learners:

Q.1. What is the key phrase density and how is it used in this blog?
Key Phrase Density:” Keyphrase density is the number of times your focus keyphrase occurs in your copy, compared to the total text of that page. So if you have a text that is 100 words and 5 of those are your focus keyphrase, your keyphrase density is 5%. We used to call it keyword density, but as, nowadays,” Thus, this is the most important step in blogging to use the required keyphrase length. It means I did not use the key phrase as per the norms. Hence, I should have put more key phrases in the blog on Teachers’ Day to score 100% in best practices, but still, it’s more than 90%.
Q.2: What are outbound links, and how can they help a blogger?
Outbound Links: Are the links you provide in your blog posted outside of your website so that the readers can be enriched with some valuable links? It means you have used sufficient outbound links to score a good SEO score. Thus, step-by-step blogging needs some outbound links.
Q.3: What is alternative text for an image? Is it useful for ranking blogs?
Ans. Because the search engine needs to identify the image you used, alt. texts should be used to describe your image, which helps the search engine rank your blog as images are always useful, and thus, add alternative text to specify the purpose of your image.
  Q.4: What are internal links, and how can they be a helpful step in ranking a blog?

Internal links: Your blog should have internal links to refer readers back to read some related content. Internal links help the reader learn more about the blog you are writing to satisfy his query. Check in the above image where it is showing green tick means the blog has enough internal links.

Therefore, the use of internal links helps to increase the confidence of the readers, and search engines always want the readers to be on your blog, but for that, you will have to add some internal links to your website for blogging. Unfortunately, for a new blog, it’s difficult to provide internal links. Therefore, write enough for your niche to help the readers at the beginning of your blogging.

  Q.5. What is a key phrase in the introduction, and how does it help a search engine rank a blog?

Keyphrase in Introduction: The introductory paragraph of your blog should have a keyphrase in the paragraph, and you can add a keyphrase two times.

Key phrases are important for search engines to know what your blog is about, and the progress of your blog matters. Thus, it’s always useful to use keyphrases in the introductory paragraphs.

  Q.6. What do we mean by a keyword in an SEO title, and how can we use it in blogging?  
A keyword in an SEO is a word that is used as the main word around which you publish your blog and how that keyword is searched on the browser by the readers.
Q.7. What should the keyphrase length be for a blog learner?  
If possible, keep your headline under 66 characters to allow the complete title to fit on a search page. You should also add top keyword phrases from your blog into the headline to boost its relevance.
Q.8. What do you mean by “keyword” in the meta description?  
Always use your keyphrase at the beginning of your blog; it is the most important part of blogging. Try to use the keyphrase in the first paragraph of your blog, and it should be used a minimum of two times in the first paragraph. Therefore, make it your habit to use your title twice in the first paragraph to help the search engine find your keyword.
Q.9. What should be the length of a meta description for a unique blog?

While meta descriptions can be any length you want, Google will only reveal between 155 and 160 characters altogether. Anything longer will be removed by Google.

Without a question, you want your meta description to appropriately represent your content, add value, and attract clicks.

  Q.10: Can we use previously used keyphrases in our blog?

The previously mentioned focus key check is one of the SEO analysis assessments in the Yoast SEO plugin. This assessment determines whether the words from the key were previously used in a key for other posts or pages on your site. You should not use the same focus key more than once, and you can learn more about SEO impact here. Simply change the focus key a little if you remember the post. If you feel that focus keys are used uniquely on each page, you may simply disregard the Yoast warning as a false positive notification. This will not harm your website’s SEO.

  Q.11. What is a keyphrase in a slung?
The major focus of your URL will be determined by how you use it. A short, targeted, and SEO-friendly URL should be used for your article or page. Your content merits a memorable URL. As a result, your URL should be SEO-friendly and not too long. As a result, in blogging, you must maintain your URL simple and descriptive.
  Q.12: How can we use keyphrases in subheadings?
Always utilize key phrases such as ‘learn blogging step by step’ in your subheadings such as H2 and H3. As a result, as a blogging learner, you will assist the search engine in identifying the important phrase or keyword that you are discussing in your post.
  Q.13. What should be the ideal length of a blog?
As a beginner blogger, your articles should always be longer than 2000 words. My Teachers’ Day blog is 6533 words long, which is why it ranks first on Google. However, it is not always the case that a long keyword of 350 words will rank. This type of blog learning technique will be discussed in my case study of a blog with fewer than 500 words. The length of a blog can be less, and it will depend upon the blog title and its requirements. And the beginner blogger must understand that fewer words in a blog may also rank higher, but it will depend on the information required.
  Q.14. What should the SEO title width be to rank a blog?
A blog learner should concentrate on the length of your blog title and it should be between 55-60 characters as it has a significant impact on your rankings. In my experience, optimizing title tags can significantly enhance ranks. Sometimes, the long tail keyword can also rank.

Learn SEO Analysis of ‘Lesson Plan: The Introduction of Tenses’, A Teacher Cum Blogger Guide

Courtesy of my website: lessonplan.readlearnexcel.com

seo, the imortant step to learn blogging

Lesson Plan: The introduction of Tenses is the most important part of the lesson plans of different tenses. The effective lesson plan of  ‘The Introduction of Tenses’ is the foundation of teaching tenses to the students. The introduction of tenses will boost the interest of children in tenses and the lesson plan of tenses by a teacher will provide the right approach to teaching tenses. Tense chart will help teachers of English to plan a lesson Thus, the correct use of the lesson plan of tenses may help both teachers and students. Whatever method you adopt, you have to write a lesson plan as per your method on paper. Lesson Plan: The Introduction of Tenses continuous tense is the first lesson plan in the lesson plan of the tense series. You can have a different approach to teaching grammar to the students. Here, in this blog, I am writing a lesson plan, just as I teach my students. Lesson Plan: The Introduction of Tenses. Lesson Plan: The Introduction of tenses

Objectives of the Lesson Plan: The Introduction of Tenses

  • Understand the importance of tenses in English
  • understand and practice tenses
  • know 12 tenses
  • know that tenses are the foundation of learning English Grammar
  • Usage of verbs

Prerequisites of Lesson Plan

Students are already comfortable with understanding

  • Structure of tenses:
    1. S+V1+O.
    2. S+V2+O.
    3. S+WIIL/SHALL+V1+O.
  • number of tenses in English grammar,
  • assertive, negative, and interrogative sentence structures,
  • number of tenses in grammar
  • know the three tenses, present indefinite, continuous, and perfect tenses at a comfortable level.

Lesson Overview

Lesson Plan: The Introduction of Tenses


Name of the School: 

Target Class: 



Total Periods Allotted: 1

Duration: 45 Minutes

Name of the Teacher: 

The topic of Lesson Plan or Sub-topic: 12 Tenses_The Introduction of Tenses

Material  Used in Class for teaching tenses:

  • English Grammar, Tense Charts, Chalk, White Board, White Board Markers, Big Clock, Note Books, Worksheets, Digital Board, and if possible internet connection.

Lesson Plan Activity in Classroom:



StageInstructionsBlack Board ActivityTimings
TargetLearning English language, Students will understand the tenses in general and no of tenses in grammar present present

Present Tense, Past Tense, and Future Tense Learning the 12 Tenses in English Grammar, the beginning of the English learning language Read these sentences:

  • I work. (Present)
  • I worked till 7 p.m. )Past)
  • I will work on this matter tomorrow. (Future)

Structure of tenses:

  1. S+V1+O.
  2. S+V2+O.
5 mins.
IntroductionOur English teachers used to put too much emphasis on the 12 tenses in English, and now I am a teacher of English, my emphasis is more on learning the correct forms of verbs to make my students speak and write correct English. It means the tenses and correct forms of verbs are the same, but in the modern way of teaching, the emphasis is more on learning the correct forms of verbs. Thus, the 12 tenses in English, or correct forms of the verbs in English, that help you to speak and write flawless English, are not two different entities, but they are the two faces of the same coin. 

Examples of Tenses and verbs: 

  • I play in present tense and I played in the past tense.
  • He plays hockey.
  • Do you know the 12 Tenses in English?
  • know the 12 Tenses in English.
  • had finished my work when he reached my home.
  • The patient had died before the doctor reached. (The most common and favorite sentence of students).
  • have been teaching English for the last 25 years.
10 mins.
TensesDrill sentences structure and understand time reference of tenses


  • He plays hockey.
  • Do you know the 12 Tenses in English?
  • know the 12 Tenses in English.

These sentences refer to the present time. I went to Delhi yesterday. Refers to Past Time. I will write a novel in the future. Refers to Future Time Thus, there are three main tenses: The Present, the Past, and the Future.

5 mins
Pair ActivityThe students are divided into three groups and each group will write one tenseTense chart will help teachers of English to plan a lesson10 mins
Writing Excercise1. Write down 10 exercises to fill in the correct form of verbs. Home Work: 2. Ask the students to write 10 sentences of tenses at home. Conditional Tenses, part of 12 tenses  Ask students to write examples on the blackboard. I….(played) guitar since I was ten. Sohan….(lived) in this town since 2014. I …….. (dig) in the garden since morning. Ram ……………. (cry) since morning 7. The new teacher …………..(teach) us for six months. (A) have been teaching (B) has been teaching (C) is teaching (D) was teaching I usually….(drink) coffee. Sohan….(lived) in this town since 2014. He …….. (be) a teacher since 1988. Last Saturday, I …….. (stay) at home. She always …….. (finds) faults with others. The clock …….. (just strike) twelve. I …….. (dig) in the garden since morning. What …….. (happen) if you fail? We …….. (have) our dinner before she left. It …….. (happen) in the year 1924. Run fast! The train …….. (leave) He …….. (not come) back yet. Last Saturday, I …….. (stay) at home. Ice …….. (melt) above 0° Celsius.10 mins
 Conclusion Students have got ideas of 12 tensesSubject + has/have+ has been + V1 + ing + Object+since/for I have been…..(teach) you English since 2000/ 5 mins.


Learning Outcome 

  • Students will learn the value of tenses in general
  • Students can start writing the number of tenses
  • Students will start reading and identifying the structure tenses.
  • Students can increase their LSRW (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
  • Students can write something on their daily work.

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: An Example for Beginner Blogger

You should not be concerned that you are a new blogger and that your website is new and lacking in authority if you check out the blog mentioned above on planning lessons for the introduction of tenses:

  1. The blog is ranking at the top of Google.
  2. Do you understand how it came about?
  3. The solution is that your content needs to be unique and filled with values.
  4. As a result, a newbie blogger should post something original.
  5. For English teachers looking for a solid lesson plan, I can promise you that my new website is a blog website on lesson planning.
  6. Therefore, I am convinced that lessonplan.readlearnexcel.com’s blogs will always be at the top as I consistently write something new, dedicate 15 hours per day to writing, and my blogs will rank without a single backlink.
  7. I am a master in my profession of teaching.
  8. As a new blogger, do you have knowledge in your sector or do you simply copy what others do consistently and on schedule?
  9. I always adhere to my students’ and teachers’ schedules, and I consistently follow through on my commitments.
  10. Check the proof of what I said in the following images.
  11. Keep on checking, lessonplan.readlearnexcel.com’s blog, they will always rank. 

learning blogging and new blog can also rank if your contents are unique

new or old website do not matter in ranking a blog for beginner it is his content that matter

Learning blogging by the blog which ranked firest on google

Start blogging with Keywords with long tails

A new blogger always tries to rank his website irrespective of how many visitors he gets, as we all know that it is very difficult to rank your blog on general keywords. The competition for general keywords is very high; therefore, you need a different strategy to rank your blog. Then what could be the ultimate solution to your problem? I think the solution is in the keywords with long tails.

Long-tail keywords have always been used by bloggers, and they are still in use if they are used sensibly and intelligently. Here, I will prove my point of view with examples so that a beginner can learn to blog effectively.

Let’s define long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords before I get into the benefits of your SEO approach.

An example of a short-tail keyword is “web design.” Long-tail keywords are keyword phrases that are three or more words long and focus on a certain niche.

Let us consider the title that we are discussing here: ‘Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide’ is a long-tail keyword, and if I split it, ‘Learn Blogging’ can be considered a short-tail keyword. I hope the phrase ‘Learn Blogging’ is general in nature and is more competitive, making it very difficult to rank, but on the other hand, ‘Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide’ is a long-tail keyword, and I expect that it will rank when it is published. For, it’s not so difficult for me to rank ‘Learn Blogging’, but I am writing it for you who are new to blogging.

Long-tail keywords: Tool to Rank New or Low-Authority Websites 

  • A Beginner Blogger’s tool to rank.
  • Long-tail keywords are capable to rank low-authority pages.
  • Google ranks criterion is based on many factors such as authority, quality, and relevance.
  • Backlinks are not available for the beginner blogger, therefore, Long-tail keywords matter.
  • Even the best content might not rank a new blogger as your blog website doesn’t have authority.
  • Thus, your targeted audience may help you to achieve strategic advantage.
  • Target specialized Long-tail keywords to answer the long queries of the audience.
  • This way will help a fresh blogger to rank for low-competition keywords.

Analyze the following blogs and find out if the keywords are long or short, but they are ranked irrespective of the website’s age or newness:

Learn blogging and example of long tail keywords and it ranked on no.1 on google

  1. “Jhajjar Government Schools Celebrated Parvesh Utsav Week 2023? (New website)
  2. Teachers’ Day 2022: A Tribute to My Teachers,(The old one)
  3. Class 12 English (Core) Lesson Plan: The Last Lesson Period 1. (lessonplan.readlearnexcel.com)
  4. Monthly Lesson Plan for Class 12 English(Core): April
  5. The Principal: The Pedagogical Leader of the School 

Ranked no 1 blog to teach beginner blogger

Thus, a newbie should utilize long-tail keywords to rank their site, but keep in mind that simply utilizing long-tail or short-tail keywords is no guarantee of ranking; your content is king, and you must always respect your king if you want to thrive in blogging.

Step-by-step instructions and tested WordPress plugins for new bloggers

WordPress plugins, either free or paid, always add custom functionality to your website and provide true power, although the WordPress CMS is straightforward on its own.

There are approximately more than fifty thousand WordPress plugins available for download. What is the demand for your website to add some functionality? Here, I will not go into details about plugins, but I will discuss what plugins I use on all my websites.

  1. Advanced Database Cleaner: Delete outdated data from the database, including “old revisions,” “old draughts,” “orphan options,” etc. Boost database performance and more.
  2. Anti-spam filter Akismet Akismet, which is used by millions, is arguably the greatest approach to prevent spam on your blog. Even while you sleep, your website is fully set up and secure.
  3. CleanUp Assets: Boost Page Speed: To minimize HTTP requests, unload selected scripts and styles from posts and pages, and combine or minify CSS and JS files.
    Enables the TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc.-equipped Edit Post interface as well as the WordPress
  4. Classic Editor. the earlier plugins that extend this screen are supported.
  5. Media converter: Utilise our WebP & AVIF Converter (formerly WebP Converter for Media) to speed up your website. Replace the default image formats JPEG, PNG, and GIF with WebP and AVIF right away!
  6. Easy Table of Contents: Adds a simple, totally automatic method for generating and displaying a table of contents from the content of the page.
  7. Elementor: The drag-and-drop page builder, pixel-perfect design, mobile responsive editing, and more are all features of the Elementor Website Builder. Get going at once!
  8. Elementor Header & Footer Builder: This effective plugin enables you to use Elementor to create a custom header and footer and show them in certain locations. Additionally, you may design unique Elementor blocks and use a shortcode to position them wherever on the website.
  9. The Best Happy Elementor Addons Add-ons for Elementor Features Elementor Equal Height, Text Stroke, Shape Dividers, Floating Effect, Grid Layout, 500+ Elementor Icons, 450+ Template Packs, and More. Comes with 44+ Free Elementor Widgets, Such As Table Builder, Testimonial, Event Calendar, Slider, News Ticker, Image Grid, etc.
  10. Jetpack: WordPress specialists created security, performance, and marketing solutions. Jetpack makes your site secure so you can concentrate on more crucial matters.
  11. Google Site Kit WordPress users can use Site Kit as a one-stop shop to take advantage of all Google has to offer to succeed online.
  12. Backup/Restore with UpdraftPlus: Backup and restore: create automatic backup schedules for local backups as well as backups to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV, and email.
  13. The finest WordPress performance plugin is WP Rocket.
  14. Yoast SEO: The first real all-in-one WordPress SEO plugin that includes XML sitemaps, on-page content analysis, and other useful features.

Use Correct Language in Your Blog Posts to Succeed as a Blogger

When I first started blogging, I requested my buddy, Sh. Sadanand, Principal, if he could examine my posts and identify any language issues. He informed me that there are certain issues with English grammar and sentence formation, so I worked on them. I am not a native English speaker, as is the case with all of you, but I do not believe this is a major obstacle, as it was with me.

Now, I maintain an academic quality when writing blogs, and they rank without issue. I believe that writing blogs in English for a newbie blogger indicates that the blogger lacks an expert understanding of his subject. Thus, regardless of the language in which you write your posts, the content is always important, as is the correct form of the language you write in, with correct grammar and spelling. As a result, an aspiring blogger should be aware of grammatical faults.

We all know that search engines rank your website based on hundreds of parameters, all of which attempt to assess the quality of your content. Naturally, higher-quality material is listed higher.

The wrong language not only reduces your search ranking but also fails to instill trust in your viewers. Readers will not believe the information you provide. Hence, always use the correct language in your blog posts to excel as a blogger.

I use QuillBot Premium and Grammarly for checking English grammar, but be careful; always read your blog after writing and correct the content before publishing.

Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide Summary

Thus, “Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide” is the ultimate solution to all the queries of a beginner blogger who always searches different sources to learn to blog, but I guarantee you that now you can start blogging with ease by understanding blogging step-by-step with ample examples, which will boost your morale to start blogging in your favourite niche.

Moreover, reviewing a blogger’s case study can be an effective way to educate newbies on the foundations of successful blogging. Beginners can obtain a better knowledge of what it takes to build and maintain a successful blog by analysing the case study and debating the numerous variables that contribute to it. They can learn about niche selection, blog design, content quality, SEO, promotion, and monetization, and then apply what they have learned to their own blogs.

Case studies can also help beginners learn from other people’s failures and accomplishments, which can be a beneficial method to avoid common traps and accelerate their learning curve. Overall, using case studies as a teaching tool can be an excellent strategy to help new bloggers gain expertise and confidence.

I didn’t leave any questions unanswered, which is required to learn blogging in a scientific way. Thus, before I end my blog, “Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide,” allow me to summarise “Learn Blogging Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide” in a nutshell: choose your niche/topic, target audience, blogging platform, competitors knowledge, domain name, set up hosting, installing WordPress, customization of your blog(CMS), content creation, SEO, promoting content, monetize, and tools to create your first blog.

Msyadavblogger’s tip for a beginner blogger

Well-written content with clever (and highly sought-after) keywords is essential for search engine optimisation and raising brand rankings on Google. As a result, content is the king of blogging, and if the material is poor, you will never reach the top of the ladder.

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